Rainey — is a surname and may refer to: * Charles Chuck Walter Rainey (III) * David Puck Rainey * Ford Rainey * Henry T(homas). Rainey * Jo(h)n Douglas Rainey, see It Takes a Thief (2005 TV series) * Joseph Hayne Rainey * Lawrence A. Rainey * Gertrude… … Wikipedia
Rainey — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Barbara Allen Rainey (1948–1982, erste US amerikanische Marine Pilotin Chuck Rainey (* 1940), US amerikanischer Bassgitarrist Ford Rainey (1908–2005), US amerikanischer Schauspieler Frederick Rainey (*… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rainey — [ reɪnɪ], Ma, eigentlich Gertrude Melissa Nix Pridgett [ prɪdʒɪt], amerikanische Bluessängerin, * Columbus (Georgia) 26. 4. 1886, ✝ Rome (Georgia) 22. 12. 1939; trat um 1900 in den Südstaaten der USA in Minstrel Shows hervor und hatte nach… … Universal-Lexikon
Rainey, Ma — orig. Gertrude Malissa Nix Pridgett born April 26, 1886, Columbus, Ga., U.S. died Dec. 22, 1939, Rome, Ga. U.S. singer. Rainey began touring Southern tent shows, levee camps, and cabarets at age 17 in a song and dance team with her husband, the… … Universalium
Rainey — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie des personnes (réelles ou fictives) partageant un même patronyme. Chuck Rainey (1940 ), musicien américain ; Ford Rainey (1908 2005), acteur américain ; Ma Rainey (1886 1939), chanteuse de blues… … Wikipédia en Français
Rainey — Recorded in many forms including Rainy, Rainey, Rany, Raynie, Reany, Reaney, Rennie, Renny, Rennison, and Renison, this is a surname of complicated and confusing origins. It can be English, Anglo Irish, Irish, Anglo Scottish or Scottish, and with … Surnames reference
Rainey — n. Gertrude Ma Rainey (1886 1939), American blues singer, wife and musical partner of William Pa Rainey … English contemporary dictionary
Rainey Endowed School — Rainey Endowed School, known colloquially as The Rainey , is a voluntary grammar school in Magherafelt, County Londonderry, Northern Ireland. The school was founded in 1707 and currently has an enrolment of approximately 750 pupils.Rainey Endowed … Wikipedia
Rainey Haynes — Rainey Haynes, also known simply as Rainey, was born August 16, 1962 in Memphis, Tennessee. She showed an interest in singing, songwriting, and performing at a very early age, and had taught herself to play guitar by age 13. At 18, she moved to… … Wikipedia
Rainey Bethea — (October 16, 1909ref|birthday ndash; August 14, 1936) was the last person to be publicly executed in the United States. Bethea confessed to the rape and murder of a 70 year old white woman named Lischia Edwards, and after being convicted of her… … Wikipedia